Every couple of years I break the code of leaving my poor, broken hair alone, and do something wild and outlandish with it. These bursts range from the "temporary" black I used for my Trinity costume in the ninth grade, to the failed attempts at bleaching during my college years which made my hair look more like yellow silly putty than Barbie. As you've probably guessed by now, the hair vandal has struck again!
This Halloween I decided to bedazzle myself with some simple red horns, some freaky make-up, and add a little pink/red dye to top off the cake. The box said it would wash out in a couple of weeks but alas, I can clearly tell that beneath the shades of fuchsia, my poor brown locks have been sucked of all their color, leaving some lovely strands of white... I fear when it entirely washes out, I will look a bit too much like the bride of Frankenstein.
But do not despair! I have an appointment to correct my whim and in the meantime, I am thoroughly enjoying the commentary. Here are some of the comments received so far:
-My boss when I returned to work on Monday, "I think there's something different about you..."
-My Mother, "Oh Staci..."
-My Dad, "When are you getting it fixed?" He has asked me this at least three times so far, I'm still counting.
-The guy from the office upstairs, "Did you lose a bet?"
-The other guy from the office upstairs, "What did you do to your hair?"
-The cook at the Mongolian Grill when I was with Ian, "You know who you look like? Poison Ivy from Batman. You ever seen that show?" To Ian, "You better be careful man!"
-All six workers at the voting booths loved my hair and told me to tell my mom that. Yes, I knew everyone who worked at the voting booths... only in small communities...
I continue to get random comments of, "I like your hair," in addition to strange and disapproving looks from elderly folk. I feel a bit like Frenchy from Grease after she quits beauty school because she turned her hair pink... perhaps it's time for me to be a beauty school drop out.