I know I'm not the only person with those daily interactions that make you feel like you are in an episode of "Seinfeld," "Two and Half Men," "Scrubs," or dare I say it, "Sex and the City." Maybe it's the mere fact that I work downtown it a quiet office now that makes these odd moments more prominent, instead of in a call center where odd happenings are well... normal. Whatever the reason, I generally have a daily reason to chuckle. Such as...
...the guy in our office building who rides a bike to work everyday in Wranglers, cowboy boots, and toting a backpack that looks like he stole it from a second grader five years ago.
...the ex-teacher who had a brain tumor and now wanders the city, pushing a baby carriage and designing apparel out of electrical wire. I have often considered buying one of his hats, he's a nice guy who acknowledges his oddness.
...the eighty year old man that walks by my window two times a day, always in a different outfit than the time before.
...the people that drive the wrong direction down our one way, one lane street.
...the strange man that passed me on his bicycle as I walked back from the courthouse and shouted, "man, this town is full of hotties!"
...women who my boss has taken out on dates and now walk by our office to flaunt their new boyfriends because Brent never called them again.
...the client that left his truck parked in the middle of the one way street in front of our office to come in and talk for fifteen minutes.
...another of our crazy clients that literally breaks into tears anytime anyone talks to her.
...the kids that sell sun catchers for local churches at least twice a year. They always make you feel horrible, like you drop kicked a baby or something, when you say no to them.
...the owners of the building I work in who rent out potato cellars and own land in South America... anyone else suspicious other than me?
...the redneck city worker that always wears a neon orange shirt and tells me every day, "lookin' hot, like always." Not sure why he keeps saying it at this point.
...the guys that turn up the music in their vehicles when they pull up next to a cute girl walking downtown, like loudness will somehow make us attracted to them.
...the crazy Native American guy that keeps calling my office to find an attorney who will make the government take the implant out of his head because the implant shatters windows with electromagnet pules, and steals his paycheck.
So here's to all those people that make life interesting! Cheers!
1 comment:
holy crap staci! those are hilarious! and i thought things like that only happened in rock springs, wyoming. like today i had to call a lady so the realtors could show her house and the ringtone you hear while calling her is 'secret lover'...and she's married. i had a hard time not laughing out loud. i love how that guy says lookin hot to you every day. lol. i only get the hispanic guys whistling at me in walmart. i'm jealous
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