January 02, 2009

The Lessons of 2008

I, like most, take a little time to reflect on the past year with the coming of January. It's important to gauge our individual and collective progress through comparison. With that, here are some of the things gained and lost in 2008:

1. One more barrier in racial prejudice was blown to bits with the election of an African-American man as president. Despite political affiliation, the election of Barack Obama has proved to be an emotional and inspiring moment in the history of Civil Rights.

2. I learned that Americans do care about the bubble bursting in paper-backed securities, but they care much less as long as gas prices are low.

3. Science discovered that alcohol shrinks the brain... seriously, we didn't know this before?

4. I learned that if being around another person exponentially increases my crazy, then I really shouldn't hang with them.... sigh...

5. Riding around in a big truck that is painted like a cow with my brother at six in the morning is actually a good time! Plus, you get to eat all the cheese curds you want (half a pound is not recommended!)

6. The government can give away money without actually having it. I wish I could do that...

7. Pets are supposed to increase the owners' quality of life... if they do not, unfortunately there must be sad goodbyes. Hopefully Ellie is finally a happy dog somewhere!

8. Miami Vice is still one of the best shows ever produced by television... seriously, how can you beat Ferrari's, Phil Collins, spandex and Don Johnson? I watched the entire series in six months and I may do it again in 2009.

9. State governors, whether it be Sarah Palin or Blagojevich, dominated in terms of media coverage of political corruption. Seriously, do governors work?

10. Do not try tucking a loaded gun into your sweatpants when you go out to the club, you will probably shoot yourself in the leg.

11. "The Office" could be the funniest show on television or possibly ever.

12. Neurotic, but generous, bosses are the best kind... generous enough to keep you working but neurotic enough to encourage you to leave some time in the future.

13. I think we all learned that the battle over homosexual rights and societal acceptance for the gay lifestyle is just beginning. I am hoping the next few years prove to be more legislatively and judicially positive in this regard.

14. The "emo" has officially disappeared. Seriously, I never see emo kids anymore, where did they all go?

15. The bird flu is going to kill us all.

16. There is nothing sadder than loss of life, especially under certain circumstances. Tanner Swensen, you are missed and still loved.

17. Friendship renewal can be the answer to a lot of life's questions! So many people I missed that I found my way back to... thank you!

18. It's okay to like your therapist, lol!

19. O.J. Simpson is finally guilty of something! Who knew?!

And the last thing that I learned, or rather, reaffirmed, is that family is the foundation. Never forget it! Thanks for a great year, I love you Mom, Dad, Bry, Kelly, John, Jodi, and Scott! No way I could do it without you!

1 comment:

Princess and A BYU Fan said...

Bananas of the Universe Unite! Peel bananas, peel peel bananas.