I know, I'm pretty much fired for some serious blog neglect. What can I say? Life happens? Instead of boring you all with an update on the last four months ups and downs, I would rather share the more interesting events, thoughts and randomness...
-Why is that when a guy sits alone at a restaurant he is considered creepy but when a girl does it, it just invokes sympathy?... My friend was half an hour late for lunch the other day (he is such a girl) and a total of three waitresses came up and said, "You ok sweetie? I'll check on you in a minute."
-My mom came downstairs while I was doing laundry the other day and asked me about some "dog pictures" I had sent to her on her phone. I was confused as I was pretty sure I had done no such thing so we went to check out her phone. Yep kids, you guessed it, someone sent my mother a message with a porn slide show. I said, "Mom, those are definitely not dogs, that's porn!" as I quickly erased the message. Mom says, "Oh! I didn't have my glasses on, I thought they were dogs." I love my mom!
-I had no idea how many innuendos could be made about a birthday cake. One of my coworkers go me an entire sheet cake with the face of Dwight from "The Office" and after force-feeding it to the other workers for two days, I finally took it home. As I work downtown, I park across the Yellowstone Hwy so I don't get parking tickets. The light to cross the highway takes a good 5-10 minutes every time to change. In that time, three trucks full of guys or older gentlemen passed me, each shouting something completely inappropriate. My favorite was, "Hey! I want some cake.... and I want to eat it too." So gross...
-To whoever thought "Transformers 2" was not a good movie, you are just plain dumb... that is all.
-Why do I have dreams about being in college and finding out in the middle I didn't graduate from high school? I have this dream at least once a week. It's starting to mess with my head.
-Speaking of messing with my head, anyone watch that show on Fox called "Lie to Me?" It's really a great show, one of mine and my mom's favorites, but I've started doing weird and annoying things around my friends. For example, I might say something like, "That's so not true, your forehead wrinkled" or, "Did that question make you anxious? You bit your lip." These comments are inevitably followed by the classic looks of disgust and annoyance. I may have to choose between Fox and my friends.
So yeah... there's some randomness for you. Hope you enjoyed it! I promise to be more diligent in my blogging as law school starts so you all can be entertained by my torture.
Wow! I had NO idea you had a blog! I must say, I LOVE IT!!! I knew yours would not be typical, but it is better than I anticipated! Fun times!
You really do need to post more. I need the comic relief! Oh and ummm, enjoy your cake ;)
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