With only a week left of my second semester law school classes, I finally checked my blog and realized I have seriously neglected it. I would like to say that this is due to my intense focus on my studies, but it is more likely due to a law induced stupor. This stupor is really only comparable to the three-week narcotic haze that followed my tonsillectomy last spring during which I survived on pudding, tea and watched three entire seasons of "Bones" consecutively in my parent's basement. In both cases, I have emerged a bit crazed, a bit paler, with a headache, and in serious need of some rehabilitation.
To begin this process, I will share my semester's experiences, sharing with you what has induced this stupor and submitting to you for suggestions on how to remedy the situation. You heard it here, this is a cry for help people so now you are all liable for my rehabilitation.
The semester began with the assignment to read "A Civil Action." I read the entire book regarding a personal injury suit against big industry for releasing toxins that cause cancer, and was asked by my professor which attorney I deemed "the best." Unfortunately, I determined that all of the attorneys in it sucked and if I have to be like any of them, I would like to quit now. Apparently that was not the right answer but I still can't figure out what the right answer is...
I managed to stay off Facebook for the first three weeks of class, no small feat. Property Law finally broke me though. Property Law has turned me into a communist and a Facebook Farkle addict.
Yes, I'm still dating Gipple. I have been reminded how complicated relationships are and that I shouldn't say things like, "sure," "that's fine," and "I'm ok," even if they are accurate. Also, reacting to stuff two to three days after it actually happens is a lot like giving someone a present and then making them give it back... Oh and adding ellipses ("...") to everything creates interpretive ambiguity. Sigh...
I am relying on my physical similarities to my sister to make up for not having met my new nephew yet. I'm hoping this will help him love me, even though I have yet to bundle him up and squish his chubby cheeks. I believe that holding him and hugging my sister would induce complete zombie recovery instantly.
The Indian guys that live below me getting an X-Box has made me appreciate the guy next door that leaves talk radio on all night. At least the guy next door doesn't make the floor shake for two hours from playing "Call of Duty." The Indian guys also recently discovered alcohol which makes their Wednesday night get-togethers more fun for them and louder for me... not sure how they communicate when ALL of them talk at once. I need to move.
Law school prom is WAY better than High School prom. No one is embarrassed that they know the words to Duran, Duran songs and doing dance moves like "the sprinkler" only makes you cooler. I didn't get to break out my punch-dancing but now I have something to look forward to for next year.
I spent 150 hours on a motion and memo about a fake teacher being fake drug tested and fake testing positive for opiates. Now I get to do fake oral arguments against a classmate using my memo. I am not fake bitter about this.
And there's the basics. Intervention?
We can bring the baby and meet you in Malad at the Burger King if the "little bug" will make you adjust a little more!
Your nephew will love you and both of us want to see you more than you could possibly know.
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